A "Slow Wine" Vacation

Travel Type: Self-drive itinerary 

Transportation: rental car

Period:  year round on request

Duration: 4 nights/5 days

Short description:
See a pristine corner of Sicily from a native's perspective
Relax as a guest in a familiar and homey atmosphere
Taste wine in a top-rated winery
Explore opulent Baroque cities and small fishing villages
Dine both in a gourmet restaurant and in a ‘trattoria’ preferred by locals

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About the farmhouse

The Inn, as the owners like to call the house, was created by carefully restructuring the original rural mansion. The owners, both architects, restructured the house with exquisite taste while preserving the simplicity and warmth of a country house. You'll stay in one of the spacious two-room apartments with either a fireplace or a panoramic terrace on the vineyards overlooking Mount Etna. 

About the winery

The company follows the principles of biodynamic viticulture to take advantage of the harmony between nature and the wine and to fully express the unique character of the rich terroir. They began to use clay amphorae for the wine, a material that does not give any characteristic flavor. The first jars came from Spain in September 2000 and thus, Pithos was born. Cerasuolo di Victoria, the only wine with the DOCG designation in Sicily is not to be missed. Their innovation is a bold move away from conventional production producing some of the finest wines Italy has to offer.

About the terroir

Located on the Victoria plateau near Ragusa province and nested between the Ippari and Dirillo rivers slopes gently from the mountains down to the Mediterranean Sea. Rich in history, these lands have been cultivated since 1607. Today, there are still hundreds of "millstones", reminders of an economic splendor from the late eighteenth century. This area is extraordinary thanks to the unique combination of hot climate and local geology, with its nearby ocean currents and day/night temperature changes keeping the land dry and well ventilated. The wines have a particular elegance. Frappato di Vittoria is the city?s namesake. Other popular varieties include: Nero d' Avola, Grosso Nero, Nerello Mascalese, as well as white grapes Insolia, Grecanico, Albanello and Moscato.


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