


Palermo is a city of hard contrasts, walking in the historical center you can bump on crumbling and decrepites palaces next to beautiful and lavish ones. it's a mixture of styles: the Cathedral, looking like made by desert's sand, the majestic fountain of Piazza Pretoria, the red arabic domes of the church of San Cataldo, the baroque of Saint Catherin church..

We chose a sober, contemporary, mininal and elegant design hotel. Being built in the middle of Ballarò, the most lively and genuine market of the city it's one of the many contrasts making it so peculiar.


Year round.


Advised airport, Palermo


Our musts for a first approach to the city: the churces of San Cataldo and Martorana, the not sacred one of Spasimo (nowdays a concert hall), the Palatin Chapel, Abbatellis Museum and Ballarò market.

The Hotel offers the chance to buy design porcelain and the marvelous pictures and fabrics of Eugenio Vazzano, the sicilian artist who created a lof ot the ornaments of the Hotel from the pillows to the arazzi, to the curtains, to the carpets.

1 dinner in a restaurant that we will choose together... typical or finger food, cozy or minimal, luxury or trattoria... and what if it will be raining? ...

Quote: on request

palermo 029 san giovanni degli eremiti camera brunaccini Ballaro-a20834996 spasimo


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