Planeta Wine Tour


Located near Sambuca di Sicilia, a town of Arab origin on the shores of Lake Arancio, the Ulmo estate, inaugurated in 1995, is Planeta’s first winery.

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Cos Wine Tour

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In their quest to interpret the unique terroir of Vittoria, the estate decided to adopt the principles of biodynamic culture. This would help them find and maintain a harmonious balance with nature,

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Donnafugata Wine Tour

botti donnafugata

The old family cellars in Marsala are the strategic base of the company, site of refinement and bottling for Donnafugata wines

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Etna Wine Tour



Travel with the experts of The Etna Wine School through the lava terraces, wineries, vineyards and palmentos to discover the extraordinary story of the wines of Mount Etna.

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Tasca d'Almerita Wine Tour


Once you arrive at Regaleali and just come in in the beautiful court you will be met with the warmth and the elegance of a noble Sicilian family, with the simplicity and genuineness you can find only in the country atmosphere.

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Baglio di Pianetto Wine Tour


Pianetto vinyards

Count Paolo Marzotto was so deeply fascinated by Sicily’s extraordinary beauty and the ideal climate conditions for producing quality wines that in 1997 decided to plant vineyards with indigenous and international grapes.

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