Palermo Walking Tour with Addiopizzo


Don't ask about Godfather Tour because we want to tell you a different story.

Sicily is the blue of its sea, breathtaking landscapes, archeology, culture and centuries of history. But it is also the daily responsability of generations of Sicilians who struggle to eradicate the Mafia from their land.
This is a route to discover Palermo being aware you do not leave even a penny to Cosa Nostra.

The tour is led by Addiopizzo, the association that since 2004 promotes rebellion against the system of extortion through the critical consumption to support those who do not pay protection money, known as "I pay those who do not pay."

Walking tour

An Addiopizzo activist will take you around the old town centre of Palermo, along a route of sites that are symbolic in the fight against the Mafia to discover how the city is now rebelling against the pizzo, the protection money the mafia demands.
The tour will give you a picture of the mafia phenomenon and the actions of society in the attempt to combat it.



Walking Tour in the historic centre for individuals and group, minimum 2 people 

Period: available year-round - on request

Duration: around 3 hours

Route : 3 km about

Quote:  on request
Including :

Addiopizzo Italian and English speaking activist leading the tour
logo addiopizzo

Info & reservation

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