Ricotta & Cheese Tour


A full day experience by comfortable minivan that includes the visit of an authentic Sicilian farm, cheese tasting, traditional food tasting - oil, cheese, sun dried tomatoes - and a typical Sicilian lunch.

This private day-trip with local tour guide will give our guests the opportunity to live with the farmers for one day, discovering some of the most genuine products of our land and enjoying an authentic Sicilian lunch in the beauty countryside of our east coast.

A walk around the farm, surrounded by the scent of almond and lemon trees, will give you the opportunity to see the flock of sheep, where Concetto gets milk every day, and to admire the elegance of the almond trees, where the authentic and prize winners Mandorla di Noto comes from. During the walk you will also learn how to work the almonds to create the famous Sicilian almond milk.

You will assist to a demonstration of how to work diligently with sheep’s milk to create the delicious Ricotta cheese, fresh mozzarella and other typical Sicilian cheeses, with the warm breeze rolling in from the Mediterranean Sea into their rustic kitchen.

All these products will be the base for the typical Sicilian lunch, where the friendly feeling of a small and intimate group of food lovers will make the experience unique.


A full day excursion by comfortable minivan, minimum 4 persons

transportation included with pick up in Ragusa/Siracusa area

year-round and every day upon reservation

around 8 hours

Quote from:
€ 99,00

Transportation by minivan, English speaking Driver & Tour Guide, visit of the farm, the almond trees and the sheep ranch, cheese and olive oil tasting, typical Sicilian lunch.

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Info & reservation
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