Palazzo Ajutamicristo

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Palazzo Ajutamicristo takes its name after Guglielmo Ajutamicristo, a banker of Pisan origin who had it built for his family between 1495-1501.
The distinguished architect Matteo Carnilivari was entrusted with the building of the Palace.

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Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata


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In the second half of the Fifteenth Century Antonio Termine, powerful aristocratic, fixed his residence in Via Bandiera, promoting the building of an impressive castellated palace with an high tower.

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Lanza Tomasi di Lampedusa

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The Lanza Tomasi palace, which faces Palermo’s seafront, was built by the Lanza Branciforte family in the second half of the 17th century atop the Spanish military casemates behind the 16th century city walls.

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Palazzo Gangi Valguarnera

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Considered the most sumptuous private residence in Sicily, Palazzo Gangi became almost legendary when Luchino Visconti decided to film the magnificient ballroom scene of "Il Gattopardo" there in 1963.

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Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco

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Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco on the rectangular square of Syracuse lays in front of the Cathedral which was constructed by using the pillars of a temple as the four angles. 

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Palazzo Conte Federico


Palazzo Conte Federico is one of the oldest buildings in Palermo, built on Punic-Roman city walls which originally surrounded ancient Panormus. 

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Palazzo Biscari

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Palazzo Biscari, the most magnificent private building in Catania, is unique in terms of structure, outlay and decoration. After the earthquake of 1693 destroyed nearly the entire city, Ignazio Paternò Castello III Prince of Biscari, obtained permission to build the new palace on the ramparts of the 15th century walls of Carlo V.

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