Tours, weekends and day trips include properties representing

the excellence of food and wine tourism in Sicily. 

grafsoste4Whether a charming historic hotel or a new wine resort, on the seaside or in the countryside inland, or a Michelin

awarded-chef restaurant and winery, each provides a unique experience. 

Their unmatched hospitality offers the demanding traveler a rewarding taste of local food and wine,

rich in Sicilian tradition and innovation.

  Donnafugata Wine Tour

botti donnafugata

Wherever you are in Sicily and whatever is the purpose of your stay, let yourself be tempted by a wine day with us: our English speaking driver will meet you at your place and guide you through a day dedicated to Sicilian wines.

Donnafugata - Marsala

The Winery

The old family cellars are the strategic base of the company, site of refinement and bottling for Donnafugata wines
The Marsala cellars, built in 1851, are a living example of industrial archaeology. The layout of the ‘baglio’, a typically Mediterranean warehouse, has been retained and features a spacious courtyard adorned with citrus and olive trees, as well as trussed wooden ceilings, the work of master carpenters of bygone times. Today, it houses a dynamic, productive enterprise whichstrives for excellence. This is where the products of Contessa Entellina and Pantelleria converge for refinement  (in steel, cement and oak) and  bottling.
These processes are conducted with simple technologies that respect the intrinsic qualities of the musts and wines. Since temperature control is so important to every production stage, the cellars have air-conditioned, insulated rooms for maximum energy savings. Also in line with the winery’s environmental policies, the underground barrique room is carved from tuff (porous volcanic rock).

The Visit

Visit of the winery and "Mini Vertical" tasting of one of the following two selections:

Vigna di Gabri (2006, 2007, 2011) & Ben Ryé (2004, 2006, 2010)
Chiarandà (2001, 2006, 2009) & Tancredi (1998, 2005, 2008)


Night harvest

Nocturnal harvesting takes exploits the difference in temperature between day and night typical of the microclimate of the Contessa Entellina area: a technique involving targeted and precision oenology that aims to protect the environment and grape quality

Nocturnal harvesting at Contessa Entellina is a technique involving targeted viticulture and precision oenology, adopted in 1998 for the following reasons:

-Chardonnay is the first variety to ripen in August, in Sicily. During the day, the temperature is high - sometimes reaching 35°C. This increases the risk of undesirable fermentation of the grapes during transport from the vineyard to the cellar, as well as the loss of some aromas during grape pressing. At night, however, the temperature drops to 16-18°C, preserving the full aromatic content of the grapes.
-At Donnafugata the white grapes are cooled and pressed at a temperature of about 10°C. Harvesting at night reduces the energy used for cooling the grapes by 70%.
-Nocturnal harvesting is also less tiring for the grape pickers.




For individuals and groups minimum 2 persons


Chauffeur driven itinerary

Vehicle: Mercedes S Mercedes E Viano Sprinter

Period: all year round

Duration: around 8 hours

Quote: on request

Inclusing: guided visit of the winery, vineyards and cellar;
tasting of 3 wines;
vehicle and driver NCC 4 hours

Property: RALLO



Consider the option of a driver/guide and combine the excursion with the visit of the phoenician isle of Mothia e the Salt Route, or in Mazzara del Vallo of the 'Satiro Danzante'.

For groups of at least 20 persons the cellar is available to host special lunch: guided tasting of 4 wines combined with a menu that plays with the succeeding of the seasons. The pairings are renewed 4 times a year changing the Donnafugata labels according to the seasonal choice of vegetables, fish and other local products.

Info & reservation

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