Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco

palazzo beneventanobosco

Discover Sicily from a inner luxury perspective. Let us introduce you in the historical houses, in hard-to-get private palaces being received by the owners. 

Brief History

Palazzo Beneventano del Bosco on the rectangular square of Syracuse lays in front of the Cathedral which was constructed by using the pillars of a temple as the four angles.

The building dates from the Middle Ages, but the building you can see today dates mostly from the late 18th century, when it was largely rebuilt in the Sicilian Baroque style. Built around an enclosed courtyard, the palazzo is a perfect example of baroque architecture. The canted facades are adorned with twin columns, putti, and statuary, all given extra dramatic effect by the architect's skillful use of chiaroscuro.

The Palazzo

The building housed the British Admiral Horatio Nelson at the time of the Napoleonic Wars, and King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies. The theatrical late Baroque courtyard, paved with flagstones and pebbles, is considered among the most beautiful of Syracuse.

The Visit 

After the visit of the Palazzo, guests are welcomed in the cellar for a Sicilian wines tasting. 





sec. XVIII - Siracusa


Private visit for small groups, minimum 6 people.


Private Transfers on request 

Period: all year round - reservation is required 

Duration: 2 hours around

Quote: on request

Including: visit of the Palazzo and tasting of Sicilian wines in the private cellar 


We can arrange at Palazzo private gala dinners and events.

Info & reservation

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